Have you ever asked yourself how a board game rulebook comes to life? Today we would like to give you some insight about the creation process of our Funtails rulebooks!

Long before a game is released, our editor team starts with the Editor and Review Edition of the rulebook. These are very early versions where our team is working with the barebones of the rule set—in close cooperation with the author, playtesters and reviewers.

After many rounds of feedback and hours of playtesting, the next step is the Crowd Edition. This is what we call the version of the rulebook which is released to the public during crowdfunding. These rules are not final yet and will still be revised several times before the release!

You can download the Crowd Edition of the CARAL rulebook here:

Caral Crowd Edition Rulebook Download

After crowdfunding, we gather all feedback and polish the rulebook once again. This results in the next step: The Lingua Edition. The Lingua Edition will be sent to our international partners, who will translate all written text into their language.

And finally, after lots of hard work, the Player Edition is created—this is the final version for the first printrun. This version is made solely for you: The player of the game. It is usually the version you will find in your very own box!

Let’s have a look at all the steps the rulebook goes through before the final production:

Funtails Rulebook Creation Process



How to submit feedback to the crowd edition of the rulebook?

Have you found a mistake and want to help us create the best version of the rulebook? You are very welcome!

In order to process the feedback properly, we need it in the form of a commented PDF file.

To add your comments you may use the Acrobat PDF reader, the free Foxit PDF reader—or any other PDF tool of your choice.

Example PDF Comment

Attention: We only need feedback regarding actual errors. Please keep in mind that the visuals and the layout of the Crowd Edition are not final and will change during the next steps until production.

Please attach the commented PDF file to an email and send it to our development team at development@funtails.de. From there on we will gather and sort feedback and finally incorporate the best of it into the next rulebook version shortly after the Kickstarter ends.

We will review all feedback we receive. But keep in mind: We can only use feedback for the Crowd Edition, submitted before the last day of our Kickstarter.


The Deadline for CARAL rulebook feedback is November the 16th.

Feedback submitted after the deadline will not make it into the first production batch, as this will delay the rest of the timeline. Though, we will revise the feedback and schedule important topics for the second printrun as soon as possible.



How to submit feedback to a released Player Edition of the rulebook?

Have you received the game and have some feedback for us? We will collect feedback and prepare to use it for our next printrun!

Please check our website, whether there has been a newer release of the rulebook and double check if the error you have found is already fixed.

Then add your feedback as comments to the latest PDF file and send it via email to our development team at development@funtails.de.

New rulebook versions will be available for download on our website as soon as we have revised your feedback.

For an easy distinction of the rulebooks you will find the version name printed usually on the last page of the rulebook. Furthermore, each version is tagged by a version number built upon the current date (year-month-day):

Example Funtails Rulebook Version

With this information you know that the rulebook you have in front of you is the published version (Player Edition) and the last changes have been made on August the 2nd 2021. All versions prior to this date are outdated and should not be used anymore.