Welcome to Funtails!
We turn gaming into a feast for the senses!
We are game industry veterans who have joined forces to take board games to the next level. We strive for the highest quality in regards to game mechanics, balancing and game material!
You may know us from the video game industry, as TCG world champion, as authors, or from our podcast “Die Würfelwerfer”, where we have been sharing our gaming enthusiasm with the world for a long time before we launched funtails.

Glen More II – Chronicles
“Glen More II – Chronicles” was our fantastic debut project together with successful author Matthias Cramer.
Matthias’s debut game Glen More had already been popular with lots of players, but Matthias realized in hindsight that he could have done even better if he had spent more time developing the concepts. That’s why he invested three years in the development of his successor, Glen More II. He gave up a few less important design elements in order to make room for new possibilities, for example, you can now build over your existing tiles, instead of just expanding further. Famous people can help your clan and grant you special abilities on the clan board.
The Chronicles multiply the already higher replayability by creating very different additional incentives. Sometimes you have to win a dragon boat race, or just eat the biggest portion of haggis to help out your clan.
As you might know, Scotland is well worth a trip – not only but also in the form of playing Glen More II – but our journey is just beginning: It is time to hop aboard a sailing ship and sail towards greener pastures. p>

Feed the Kraken
Full speed ahead! Navigator take the wheel, we are going west, uh .. I mean, of course, east, or is it north?
With “Feed the Kraken” we hijack the social deduction genre next and turn it into an epic board game experience. Together with Spiel Instabil and Dr. Hans Joachim Höh, the author of “Götterdämmerung”, we were able to create the perfect mix of intense discussions and strategic maneuvers.
Actually, we just planned to drink “a bit” of rum at sea. Now, we found ourselves as part of three secret factions, arguing about where our common ship should actually go. No easy task for the loyal sailors, because pirates have infiltrated the crew and a cult leader is secretly gathering followers, who would rather sail towards the kraken god with him. Whom can you trust? … In case of doubt you can always become the new captain via MUTINY!

You tend to get seasick while travelling by ship? Then let us travel back in time instead:
Experience the ancient city of Caral, the oldest known settlement on the South American continent. Follow us to 2.500 BC and get to know and love the Carali people as Klaus-Jürgen Wrede (Carcassonne) imagined them.
The city of Caral is located in Peru. Its ruins were discovered and excavated in the year 2000. It is the oldest known urban settlement in the Americas. Countless temples and sacred sites are located in a fertile valley that extends towards the sea. During the game we find ourselves over 4500 years in the past and build the pyramids of Caral together.
Most recent blog articles:
Summary Funcast 042 and 45: From the first idea to the finished game!
In the latest episode of the Funcast, Swantje and Maikel give an insight into the complex world of board game development, from the initial idea to production, emphasizing that innovation, balance and narrative are crucial pillars for the success of a game. Both collaboration with authors and feedback from the community play an important role.
Summary Funcast 035: Illustration diary – Dark Romance
This edition of the Funcast is all about “Dark Romance”. Swantje and our illustrator Hendrik give insights into the visual design of the game. Hendrik shares his creative work process, from sketches to fine-tuning the details. The balance between gritty subject matter and aesthetic design is crucial. Character design plays a central role, with each character contributing to the story through colors and facial expressions.
Logo puzzle solved: The tails in our logo decoded
We examined our publishing logo to uncover the animals behind the tails, revealing a lion, octopus, whale, and possibly a cat or dragon. The name “Funtails” reflects our aim to engage people through storytelling and games, emphasizing inclusivity and diverse experiences, regardless of the individual’s interpretation of their own “bush.”