That’s right it is Funtails Friday, our weekly Update on what has been tickling our feet for the last week!
Caral-Kickstarter Update 12
Caral, the New Funtails game by Klaus-Jürgen Wrede (Carcassonne) has been on its Kickstarter Journey since September 2021 and is almost ready for its Historic release!
“Act NOW!”
The Latest Update by Funtails Editor Maikel Cheney comes as the Gamefound pledge manager has been open for a while, so if you have not, the time to complete your pledge has come. But don’t worry if you missed the original campaign, You can still secure your copy while the Pledge manager is open (see options below the update)!
The 12th Update:
With the last update, we invited you into our pledge manager and most of you completed their pledges as desired. If you did, we thank you wholeheartedly and send you our fluffiest alpaca hugs! 🤗
Some backers have not completed their pledge yet
On the other hand, 29 backers didn’t log into the pledge manager yet and 116 backers have more than 1€ of unused credit remaining, which means that they haven’t completed their pledge yet.
So if you haven’t completed your pledge yet, you will soon experience the wrath of the architect! Maybe we will even send our giant anaconda your way… 🐍
All jokes aside, by not completing your pledge right now you are hurting yourself as you will not get your rewards when everybody else does. You are also hurting us because we will need to pay service personnel to individually sort out your case at a later point. We might need to charge you a service fee and shipping costs might have gone up in the meantime as well. So, please, complete your pledge and make life easier for everyone instead.
Thank you! ❤️
Head to Gamefound now and complete your Caral pledge! To do this, find the “Complete your CARAL order” Email we sent you on June 9 in your inbox and click on the “Go to pledge manager” button.
If you are having problems with the pledge manager, then please contact our service (via service@funtails.de 📧).
New pics from some of the mass-produced components
The premium 100-micron sleeves with the beautiful CARAL print on the back:
Partially filled deluxe box including the CRAWALL add-on:
Deluxe Player Pyramid with Carali and Alpaka wooden meeples:
The Central Pyramid with the deluxe Anaconda and Architect miniatures:
Wooden Carali climbing on top of the stone resource tokens:
Current progress
Components which we completed since the last update:
- Revision of the inlay
- Minor optimizations of the punch boards
- Cosmetic changes in the rulebook
- Enlarging the game box size
Reviewed components:
- All wooden meeples
- Card sleeves (add-on)
- Review of cards in the final material
- Final 3D pyramid models
Next steps:
- Our production partner has created a second digital copy of the game with all changes mentioned above, including the wooden meeples.
- As everything suited our demands, this was the final review and all components are getting mass produced.
Mass production is currently running at full speed. All plastic injection pieces are expected to be completed by August 23 and the paper components by August 28. After this, our partner will need some time for the final assembly, packaging, and safety tests. If everything goes well, we expect to get everything on a boat by the end of September! 🚢
Goodbye for now,
Your Funtails team
Last chance to join the pledgers and secure a copy of Caral!
You can even still get the The “Caral – Deluxe Edition ALL-IN Upgrade” which includes the following!